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Published April 26, 2012

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Healthstyles Article

Exercise is Medicine: Physical Education is the Key

Published May 8, 2014

Comment by: 

Dr. Iñigo San Millán of Anschutz Wellness Center at the University of Colorado
What a great article! Really enjoyed it and so true!
​~ 1/3 of our children have already metabolic dysfunction and metabolic disease which will turn into chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some form of cancers by the time they are in their 30's...The other 1/3 of our children have pre-metabolic dysfunction and the majority will also develop these chronic disease.By 2020 ~ 50% of adult population will be pre-diabetic or diabetic (type 2).
By 2050 this number will be 2/3 of adult population. This will make our children's lives as adults miserable and for the first time history of human kind they will be the first generation that doesn't outlive their parents. It but will also crash the entire economy due to the enormous health care problem and tsunami in the form of chronic diseases.
We need to take this problem very serious and think about the future not the present. We are responsible for our children's future ad health. We can still revert this situation with our kids through daily physical Activity that MUST be mandatory in all schools!

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